This page provides tips for individuals who are having trouble receiving password reset emails from These tips are intended to be general guidelines to help you navigate and troubleshoot the email settings within your unique email service provider (ESP). Our goal is to help you locate and keep email communication from Firedog, including password reset emails, in your inbox and out of your spam filter.

Currently, there are no email-related bugs at Firedog. This means if you are having trouble receiving email from Firedog, the failure in transmission is being technically caused by your email service provider (ESP), not Firedog.

How to Help Your ESP Receive & Deliver Emails from Firedog

All password reset emails from Firedog will have a From header with one of the following email addresses:

If you're using a public email service provider (such as Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) and are having trouble receiving your password reset email, try adding [email protected] and [email protected] to your safe senders list, and then try to submit the password reset request again.

If you are using a private email service provider, please add these domains to your address book and/or ask your email service provider administrator to whitelist them.

Check Spam Filters and Folders

Emails from Firedog can get caught in spam filters. Check the spam folder in your email inbox to see if your email is there. If it's not in your local spam folder, you may consider reaching out to your email service provider for more support.

Still Having Trouble?

If you still are not able to receive the password reset email you will need to register for a Firedog account with a different email address. For account security reasons, we are not able to reset the password for you any other way.

Customer Service

Toll Free: 877-408-1587

Text Us (US Only): 229-210-3105

International: +1-863-354-6377

Hours of Operation

We are committed to providing the best in customer service. Please feel free to contact us for assistance. All information received will always remain confidential.

Helpful Resources